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Help 4 NonProfits & Tribes
Building Community-Driven Organizations

September 2004

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Welcome to the Help 4 NonProfits E-Newsletter!

It is always amazing how we tend to see the changing light of autumn as a sign of renewal. While mother nature starts heading into “down” time, we humans are stuck in the back-to-school cycle that says Fall is the Start of It All!

So here’s what we have for you as we gear up for this busy time of year:

1) Featured Article: Building and Sustaining Programs in Tough Economic Times

2) New Training Program: Building and Sustaining Programs in Tough Economic Times

3) Tip: Regional newsletters

4) Tip: Objective News Reporting

5) Sharing this Newsletter

6) Sneak Preview: Coming in the next Help 4 NonProfits newsletter: “Doing Accountability: A Primer for Boards.”

Please read and enjoy, and pass these new items along! We know it will help you improve the quality of life in your community. And isn’t that really why we all do the work we do?


Featured Article:

Building and Sustaining Programs in Tough Economic Times

Sustainability isn’t difficult to attain. The key is to simultaneously plan for short term survival and long term sustainability, all within the context of providing significant improvement to your community’s quality of life.

New Training Program!

Building and Sustaining Programs in Tough Economic Times

Bring the Help 4 NonProfits team to your community, for this one-of-a-kind seminar!

And if you are in the Phoenix metro area, join us for this seminar on September 29th!

Learn to increase capacity in down times, when the community needs you most. Far more than just a fund development seminar, this intensive full-day session is about real sustainability - ground-breaking collaboration strategies; building armies of support from the whole community; asset-based fund development - all based on the improvement you want to make to your community’s quality of life.

Frustrated that the ongoing struggle for dollars interferes with the ability of nonprofit organizations to create substantial impact in their communities, we pioneered these methods for sustainability and financial independence. Learn what led one funder to call our approach “the biggest philanthropic bang we can get for our buck.”

To learn about bringing our team to do this seminar in your community, or to learn about our September 29th seminar in Phoenix,

Regional Newsletters:

In almost every region, there is a newsletter that provides nonprofits with timely information about grants, events, jobs, etc. If you have a favorite go-to source for your own regional updates, please let us know, and we will highlight those resources in coming newsletters!

This month we thought we’d start at home, because Arizona nonprofits have some terrific sources for information. These are among our favorites:

Arizona Statewide: There is no better source of information about jobs, grants and events around the whole state than Scott Sheldon’s Arizona Nonprofit Weekly News & Review. See a sample and subscribe at,b1cvqhJ9

Yavapai County and Northern Arizona: Debbie Stewart combines her own wisdom with terrific info on events, jobs, and news in her engaging newsletter, By the Seat of Our Pants.

See a sample at

Southern Arizona: The Southern Arizona Alliance of Nonprofits is new on the scene, but they have already accumulated a great resource page for Southern Arizona and other areas of the state. This site is bound to keep growing with information and links, so check it out!

And remember, let us know about regional newsletters in your neck of the woods, so we can share that info as well!

Objective News Source:

Hard to believe, but it’s true: There is a place to get objective news about what’s really going on in the world, with as little “point of view” interference as is humanly possible. And we hope you will get past your own biases as we suggest that no nonprofit leader can do his/her job without reading the Wall Street Journal.

No, we’re not kidding. If you want objective news, the Journal’s news coverage is the least biased we’ve seen anywhere, without exception. And both of us have been reading for over 10 years!

(As a disclaimer, we’re not talking about the editorial pages. If you have a problem with an extremely conservative agenda, just skip the editorial pages. )

So how can it be that a newspaper with such an extreme editorial viewpoint is the single best unbiased source of news around? Simple.

The job of the Wall Street Journal is to help business people make sound decisions. And the only way they can make those decisions is if they have access to the truth, with no layers of interpretation added. Just the facts, ma’am.

In these contentious times, isn’t it worth a try? And after you’ve read one or two copies, please write us and let us know what you think!

Share this Newsletter With a Friend!

Every month we get hundreds of new subscribers, most of whom learn about our site from a friend or colleague. Board members so rarely receive information on how to do their job better, so please be sure to pass this newsletter along to your board. Or better yet, sign them all up to receive a copy of their own!

Sneak Preview:

In our next edition, we’ll tackle one of the hottest issues in today’s nonprofit world: Board Accountability. We’ll talk about what boards are accountable for, and more importantly, how boards can “do” accountability. Watch for “Doing Accountability” in our next e-newsletter. (One more reason to sign up a friend!)

That’s it for this month. As always, we wish you all the possibilities life holds, because your community is counting on you.

Have a great and enthusiastic fall!

Hildy and Dimitri

Help 4 NonProfits & Tribes

4433 E. Broadway Blvd. Ste 202

Tucson, Arizona 85711

You are receiving this newsletter because at one time you expressed an interest in Help 4 NonProfits & Tribes; or Hildy Gottlieb and Dimitri Petropolis; or other subsidiaries of their firm, ReSolve, Inc.; or you may have been referred to us by someone who also cares about NonProfits and issues related to philanthropy. To add a friend to our newsletter list, hit reply and give us their name, email address and your name, so we can let them know who sent it! To unsubscribe from this newsletter, simply hit reply and type “Unsubscribe” in the body of the email. You will be immediately removed from our email list. If you would also like to be removed from our snail-mail mailing list, please note that as well.

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