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Making Visionary Community Change Practical  
Community-Driven Institute



June 2009

Create the Future!

If you missed our
last newsletter, you will find it here


It is summer here in the Tucson desert. And while summer means "holiday" for most people, here at the Community-Driven Institute, we're moving ahead full throttle! New articles, a huge sale - and Hildy's mid-year letter to get your own engines revved up. Enjoy!

New Article

Building & Sustaining Strong, Engaged Programs (Part 3 of 3)

Summer Sale on
All Our Stuff!


3 Steps to Success on Facebook (or Twitter, or...)

Part 3: Analysis: Community-Driven approaches leave traditional fundraising in the dust!

Read it here

If you missed the first 2 parts, begin here.

Buy every book, DVD, download, and class Hildy has written - and save 50%!

½ price on all our stuff here!

Your organization is on Facebook (or Twitter, or...). Now what?

What should you talk about? Who should you follow? How often to post?

The key to success in social media can be found in three simple questions.

Read it here

Community-Driven Brain Teaser

Creating the Future When Times are Tough

Hildy's Mid-Year Letter

Cool Distraction

In these tough times, is your organization moving forward despite all odds, working to strengthen your community in every way imaginable?

And if not, is it really the economy that is stopping you?

(If you're thinking, "What else could it be?" then you will want to read this now .)

As the Community-Driven Institute keeps gaining momentum, Hildy invites you to be part of the journey to create amazing communities everywhere around the globe!

Read it here

Community Engagement as taught by a tiny robot. Enjoy!


Thank you, as always, for the work you do to make your communities better places to live. We wish for you all the possibilities life holds.

Community-Driven Institute
at Help 4 NonProfits
4433 E. Broadway Blvd.
Ste 202

Tucson, Arizona 85711

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Copyright © 1997-2009 ReSolve, Inc.  

You are receiving this newsletter because at one time you expressed an interest in the Community-Driven Institute or Help 4 NonProfits; or Hildy Gottlieb or Dimitri Petropolis; or other subsidiaries or spin-offs of their firm, ReSolve, Inc.; or you may have been referred to us by someone who also cares about issues related to the Community Benefit sector. To add a friend to our newsletter list, hit reply and give us their name, email address and your name, so we can let them know who sent it! To unsubscribe from this newsletter, simply hit reply and type "Unsubscribe" in the body of the email. You will be immediately removed from our email list. If you would also like to be removed from our snail-mail mailing list, please note that as well.